5. Animations, restarting, buttons and a New World

In this chapter we will be showing various ways to make the Klondike game more fun and easier to play. The topics to be covered are:

  • Klondike Draw 1 and Draw 3

  • Animating and automating moves

  • Detecting and celebrating a win

  • Ending and restarting the game

  • How to implement your own FlameGame world

  • Simple action-buttons

  • Anchors and co-ordinates

  • Random number generation and seeding

  • Effects and EffectControllers

The Klondike draw

The Klondike patience game (or solitaire game in the USA) has two main variants: Draw 3 and Draw 1. Currently the Klondike Flame Game is Draw 3, which is a lot more difficult than Draw 1, because although you can see 3 cards, you can only move one of them and that move changes the “phase” of other cards. So different cards are going to become available — not easy.

In Klondike Draw 1 just one card at a time is drawn from the Stock and shown, so every card in it is available, and you can go through the Stock as many times as you like, just as in Klondike Draw 3.

So how do we implement Klondike Draw 1? Clearly only the Stock and Waste piles are involved, so maybe we should have KlondikeGame provide a value 1 or 3 to each of them. They both have code for constructors, so we could just add an extra parameter to that code, but in Flame there is another way, which works even if your component has a default constructor (no code for it) or your game has many game-wide values. Let us call our value klondikeDraw. In your class declaration add the HasGameReference<MyGame> mixin, then write game.klondikeDraw wherever you need the value 1 or 3. For class StockPile we will have:

class StockPile extends PositionComponent
    with TapCallbacks, HasGameReference<KlondikeGame>
    implements Pile {


  void onTapUp(TapUpEvent event) {
    final wastePile = parent!.firstChild<WastePile>()!;
    if (_cards.isEmpty) {
      wastePile.removeAllCards().reversed.forEach((card) {
    } else {
      for (var i = 0; i < game.klondikeDraw; i++) {
        if (_cards.isNotEmpty) {
          final card = _cards.removeLast();

For class WastePile we will have:

class WastePile extends PositionComponent
    with HasGameReference<KlondikeGame>
    implements Pile {


  void _fanOutTopCards() {
    if (game.klondikeDraw == 1) {   // No fan-out in Klondike Draw 1.
    final n = _cards.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      _cards[i].position = position;
    if (n == 2) {
    } else if (n >= 3) {
      _cards[n - 2].position.add(_fanOffset);
      _cards[n - 1].position.addScaled(_fanOffset, 2);

That makes the Stock and Waste piles play either Klondike Draw 1 or Klondike Draw 3, but how do you tell them which variant to play? For now, we will add a place-holder to the KlondikeGame class. We just comment out whichever one we do not want and then rebuild.

  // final int klondikeDraw = 3;
  final int klondikeDraw = 1;

This is fine as a temporary measure, when we have not yet decided how to handle some aspect of our design, but ultimately we will have to provide some kind of input for the player to choose which flavor of Klondike to play, such as a menu screen, a settings screen or a button. Flame can incorporate Flutter widgets into a game and the next Tutorial (Ember) shows how to add a menu widget, as its final step.

Making cards move

In Flame, if we need a component to do something, we use an Effect - a special component that can attach to another component, such as a card, and modify its properties. That includes any kind of motion (or change of position). We also need an EffectController, which provides timing for an effect: when to start, how long to go for and what Curve to follow. The latter is not a curve in space. It is a time-curve that specifies accelerations and decelerations during the time of the effect, such as start moving a card quickly and then slow down as it approaches its destination.

To move a card, we will add a doMove() method to the Card class. It will require a to location to go to. Optional parameters are speed: (default 10.0), start: (default zero), curve: (default Curves.easeOutQuad) and onComplete: (default null, i.e. no callback when the move finishes). Speed is in card widths per second. Usually we will provide a callback, because a bit of gameplay must be done after the animated move. The default curve: parameter gives us a fast-in/slow-out move, much as a human player would do. So the following code is added to the end of the Card class:

  void doMove(
    Vector2 to, {
    double speed = 10.0,
    double start = 0.0,
    Curve curve = Curves.easeOutQuad,
    VoidCallback? onComplete,
  }) {
    assert(speed > 0.0, 'Speed must be > 0 widths per second');
    final dt = (to - position).length / (speed * size.x);
    assert(dt > 0.0, 'Distance to move must be > 0');
    priority = 100;
        EffectController(duration: dt, startDelay: start, curve: curve),
        onComplete: () {

To make this code compile we need to import 'package:flame/effects.dart' and 'package:flutter/animation.dart' at the top of the components/card.dart file. That done, we can start using the new method to return the card(s) gracefully to where they came from, after being dropped in an invalid position. First, we need a private data item to store a card’s position when a drag-and-drop started. So let us insert new lines in two places as shown below:

  bool _isDragging = false;
  Vector2 _whereCardStarted = Vector2(0, 0);

  final List<Card> attachedCards = [];
      _isDragging = true;
      priority = 100;
      // Copy each co-ord, else _whereCardStarted changes as the position does.
      _whereCardStarted = Vector2(position.x, position.y);
      if (pile is TableauPile) {

It would be a mistake to write _whereCardStarted = position; here. In Dart, that would just copy a reference: so _whereCardStarted would point to the same data as position while the drag occurred and the card’s position data changed. We can get around this by copying the card’s current X and Y co-ordinates into a new Vector2 object.

To animate cards being returned to their original piles after an invalid drag-and-drop, we replace five lines at the end of the onDragEnd() method with:

    // Invalid drop (middle of nowhere, invalid pile or invalid card for pile).
      onComplete: () {
    if (attachedCards.isNotEmpty) {
      attachedCards.forEach((card) {
        final offset = card.position - position;
          _whereCardStarted + offset,
          onComplete: () {

In each case, we use the default speed of 10 card-widths per second. Notice how the onComplete: parameters are used to return each card to the pile where it started. It will then be added back to that pile’s list of contents. Notice also that the list of attached cards (if any) is cleared immediately, as the animated cards start to move. This does not matter, because each moving card has a MoveToEffect and an EffectController added to it and these contain all the data needed to get the right card to the right place at the right time. Thus no important information is lost by clearing the attached cards early. Also, by default, the MoveToEffect and EffectController in each moving card automatically get detached and deleted by Flame when the show is over.

Some other automatic and animated moves we can try are dealing the cards, flipping cards from Stock to Waste pile, turning cards over automatically on the tableau piles, and settling cards into place after a valid drag-and-drop. We will have a look at animating a flip first.

Animating a card-flip

Flutter and Flame do not yet support 3-D effects (as at October 2023), but we can emulate them. To make a card look as if it is turning over, we will shrink the width of the back-view, switch to the front view and expand back to full width. The code uses quite a few features of Effects and EffectControllers:

  void turnFaceUp({
    double time = 0.3,
    double start = 0.0,
    VoidCallback? onComplete,
  }) {
    assert(!_isFaceUpView, 'Card must be face-down before turning face-up.');
    assert(time > 0.0, 'Time to turn card over must be > 0');
    _isAnimatedFlip = true;
    anchor = Anchor.topCenter;
    position += Vector2(width / 2, 0);
    priority = 100;
        Vector2(scale.x / 100, scale.y),
          startDelay: start,
          curve: Curves.easeOutSine,
          duration: time / 2,
          onMax: () {
            _isFaceUpView = true;
          reverseDuration: time / 2,
          onMin: () {
            _isAnimatedFlip = false;
            _faceUp = true;
            anchor = Anchor.topLeft;
            position -= Vector2(width / 2, 0);
        onComplete: () {

So how does all this work? We have a default time of 0.3 seconds for the flip to occur, a start time and an optional callback on completion, as before. Now we add a ScaleEffect to the card, which shrinks it almost to zero width, but leaves the height unchanged. However, that must take only half the time, then we must switch from the face-down to the face-up view of the card and expand it back out, also in half the time.

This is where we use some of the fancier parameters of the EffectController class. The duration: is set to time / 2 and we use an onMax: callback, with inline code to change the view to face-up. That callback will happen after time / 2, when the Effect (whatever it is) has reached its maximum (i.e. in this case, the view of the card has shrunk to a thin vertical line). After the switch to face-up view, the EffectController will take the Effect into reverse for reverseDuration: time / 2. Everything is reversed: the view of the card expands and the curve: of time is applied in reverse order. In total, the timing follows a sine curve from 0 to pi, giving a smooth animation in which the width of the card-view is always the projection into 2-D of its 3-D position. Wow! That’s a lot of work for a little EffectController!

We are not there yet! If you were to run just the add() part of the code, you would see some ugly things happening. Yeah, yeah, been there, done that — when I was preparing this code! First off, the card shrinks to a line at its left. That is because all cards in this game have an Anchor at topLeft, which is the point used to set the card’s position. We would like the card to flip around its vertical center-line. Easy, just set anchor = Anchor.topCenter first: that makes the card flip realistically, but it jumps by half a card-width to the left before flipping.

Long story short, see the lines between assert( and add( and their reversal in the onMin: callback, which occurs when the Effect is finished, but before the final onComplete: callback. At the beginning, the card’s rendering priority is set to 100, so that it will ride above all other cards in the neighborhood. That value cannot always be saved and restored because we may not know what the card’s priority should be in whatever Pile is receiving it. So we have made sure that the receiver is always called in the onComplete: option, using a method that will adjust the positions and priorities of the cards in the pile.

Last but not least, in the preceding code, notice the use of the variable _isAnimatedFlip. This is a bool variable defined and initialized near the start of class Card in file components/card.dart, along with another new bool called _isFaceUpView. Initially these are set false, along with the existing bool _faceUp = false variable. What is the significance of these variables? It is huge. A few lines further down, we see:

  void render(Canvas canvas) {
    if (_isFaceUpView) {
    } else {

This is the code that makes every card visible on the screen, in either face-up or face-down state. At the end of Klondike Tutorial Step 4, the if statement was if (_faceUp) {. This was OK because all moves of cards were instantaneous (leaving aside drags and drops): any change in the card’s face-up or face-down state could be rendered at the Flame Engine’s next tick or soon after. This posed no problem when we started to animate card moves, provided there were no flips involved. However, when we tapped a non-empty Stock Pile, the executed code was:

  final card = _cards.removeLast();

And the first thing wastePile.acquireCard( does is assert(card.isFaceUp);, which fails if an animated flip is keeping the card face-down while the first half of the flip is occurring.

Model and View

Clearly the card cannot be in two states at once: it is not Schrödinger’s cat! We can resolve the dilemma by using two definitions of “face-up”: a Model type and a View type. The View version is used in rendering and animation (i.e. what appears on the screen) and the Model version in the logic of the game, the gameplay and its error-checks. That way, we do not have to revise all the logic of the Piles in this game in order to animate some of it. A more complex game might benefit from separating the Model and the View during the design and early coding stages — even into separate classes. In this game we are using just a little separation of Model and View. The _isAnimatedFlip variable is true while there is an animated flip going on, otherwise false, and the Card class’s flip() function is expanded to:

  void flip() {
    if (_isAnimatedFlip) {
      // Let the animation determine the FaceUp/FaceDown state.
      _faceUp = _isFaceUpView;
    } else {
      // No animation: flip and render the card immediately.
      _faceUp = !_faceUp;
      _isFaceUpView = _faceUp;

In the Klondike Tutorial game we are still having to trigger a Model update in the onComplete: callback of the flip animation. It might be nice, for impatient or rapid-fingered players, to transfer a card from Stock Pile to Waste Pile instantaneously, in the Model, leaving the animation in the View to catch up later, with no onComplete: callback. That way, you could flip through the Stock Pile very rapidly, by tapping fast. However, that is beyond the scope of this Tutorial.

Ending and restarting the game

As it stands, there is no easy way to finish the Klondike Tutorial game and start another, even if you have won. We can only close the app and start it again. And there is no “reward” for winning.

There are various ways to tackle this, depending on the simplicity or complexity of your game and on how long the onLoad() method is likely to take. They can range from writing your own GameWidget, to doing a few simple re-initializations in your Game class (i.e. KlondikeGame in this case).

In the GameWidget case you would supply the Game with a VoidCallback function parameter named reset or restart. When the callback is invoked, it would use the Flutter conventions of a StatefulWidget (e.g. setState(() {});) to force the widget to be rebuilt and replaced, thus releasing all references to the current Game instance, its state and all of its memory. There could also be Flutter code to run a menu or other startup screen.

Re-initialization should be undertaken only if the operations involved are few and simple. Otherwise coding errors could lead to subtle problems, memory leaks and crashes in your game. It might be the easiest way to go in Klondike (as it is in the Ember Tutorial). Basically, we must clear all the card references out of all the Piles and then re-shuffle (or not) and re-deal, possibly changing from Klondike Draw 3 to Klondike Draw 1 or vice-versa.

Well, that was not as easy as it looked! Re-initializing the Piles and each Card was easy enough, but the difficult bit came next… Whether the player wins or restarts without winning, we have 52 cards spread around various piles on the screen, some face-up and maybe some face-down. We would like to animate the deal later, so it would be nice to collect the cards into a neat face-down pile at top left, in the Stock Pile area: not the actual Stock Pile yet, because that gets created during the deal.

Writing a simple little loop to set each Card face-down and use its doMove method to make it move independently to the top left fails. It causes one of those “subtle problems” referred to earlier. The cards all travel at the same speed but arrive at different times. The deal then produces messy Tableau Piles with several cards out of position. Also the animated move of all the cards to the Stock Pile area was a bit ugly.

The problem of the messy Tableau Piles was fixable, but at this point the reviewer of the code and documentation proposed a completely new approach which avoids re-initializing anything and creates all the Components from scratch, which is the preferred Flutter/Flame way of doing things.

A New World

Start and restart actions

We wish to provide the following actions in the Klondike game:

  • A first start,

  • Any number of restarts with a new deal,

  • Any number of restarts with the same deal as before,

  • A switch between Klondike Draw 1 and Draw 3 and restart with a new deal, and

  • Have fun before restarting with a new deal (we’ll keep that as a surprise for later).

The proposal is to have a new KlondikeWorld class, which replaces the default world provided by FlameGame. The new world contains (almost) everything we need to play the game and is created or re-created during each of the above actions.

A stripped-down KlondikeGame class

Here is the new code for the KlondikeGame class (what is left of it).

enum Action { newDeal, sameDeal, changeDraw, haveFun }

class KlondikeGame extends FlameGame<KlondikeWorld> {
  static const double cardGap = 175.0;
  static const double topGap = 500.0;
  static const double cardWidth = 1000.0;
  static const double cardHeight = 1400.0;
  static const double cardRadius = 100.0;
  static const double cardSpaceWidth = cardWidth + cardGap;
  static const double cardSpaceHeight = cardHeight + cardGap;
  static final Vector2 cardSize = Vector2(cardWidth, cardHeight);
  static final cardRRect = RRect.fromRectAndRadius(
    const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, cardWidth, cardHeight),
    const Radius.circular(cardRadius),

  // Constant used when creating Random seed.
  static const int maxInt = 0xFFFFFFFE; // = (2 to the power 32) - 1

  // This KlondikeGame constructor also initiates the first KlondikeWorld.
  KlondikeGame() : super(world: KlondikeWorld());

  // These three values persist between games and are starting conditions
  // for the next game to be played in KlondikeWorld. The actual seed is
  // computed in KlondikeWorld but is held here in case the player chooses
  // to replay a game by selecting Action.sameDeal.
  int klondikeDraw = 1;
  int seed = 1;
  Action action = Action.newDeal;

Huh! What happened to the onLoad() method? And what’s this seed thing? And how does KlondikeWorld get into the act? Well, everything that used to be in the onLoad() method is now in the onLoad() method of KlondikeWorld, which is an extension of the World class and is a type of Component, so it can have an onLoad() method, as can any Component type. The content of the method is much the same as before, except that world.add( becomes just add(. It also brings in some addButton() references, but more on these later.

Using a Random Number Generator seed

The seed is a common games-programming technique in any programming environment. Usually it allows you to start a Random Number Generator from a known point (called the seed) and give your game reproducible behavior when you are in the development and testing stage. Here it is used to provide exactly the same deal of the Klondike cards when the player requests Same deal.

Introducing the new KlondikeWorld class

The class KlondikeGame declaration specifies that this extension of the FlameGame class must have a world of type KlondikeWorld (i.e. FlameGame<KlondikeWorld>). Didn’t know we could do that for a game, did we? So how does the first instance of KlondikeWorld get created? It’s all in the KlondikeGame constructor code:

  KlondikeGame() : super(world: KlondikeWorld());

The constructor itself is a default constructor, but the colon : begins a constructor initialization sequence which creates our world for the first time.


We are going to use some buttons to activate the various ways of restarting the Klondike Game. First we extend Flame’s ButtonComponent to create class FlatButton, adapted from a Flat Button which used to be in Flame’s Examples pages. ButtonComponent uses two PositionComponents, one for when the button is in its normal state (up) and one for when it is pressed. The two components are mounted and rendered alternately as the user presses the button and releases it. To press the button, tap and hold it down.

In our button, the two components are the button’s outlines - the buttonDown: one makes the outline of the button turn red when it is pressed, as a warning, because the four button-actions all end the current game and start another. That is also why they are positioned at the top of the canvas, above all the cards, where you are less likely to press them accidentally. If you do press one and have second thoughts, keep pressing and slide away, then the button will have no effect.

The four buttons trigger the restart actions described above and are labelled New deal, Same deal, Draw 1 3 and Have fun. Flame also has a SpriteButtonComponent, based on two alternating Sprites, a HudButtonComponent and an AdvancedButtonComponent. For further types of buttons and controllers, it would be best to use a Flutter overlay, menu or settings widget and have access to Flutter’s widgets for radio buttons, dropdown lists, sliders, etc. For the purposes of this Tutorial our FlatButton will do fine.

We use the addButton() method, during our world’s onLoad(), to set up our four buttons and add them to our world.

    playAreaSize =
        Vector2(7 * cardSpaceWidth + cardGap, 4 * cardSpaceHeight + topGap);
    final gameMidX = playAreaSize.x / 2;

    addButton('New deal', gameMidX, Action.newDeal);
    addButton('Same deal', gameMidX + cardSpaceWidth, Action.sameDeal);
    addButton('Draw 1 or 3', gameMidX + 2 * cardSpaceWidth, Action.changeDraw);
    addButton('Have fun', gameMidX + 3 * cardSpaceWidth, Action.haveFun);

That places them above our four Foundation piles and centrally aligned with them. The first Foundation pile happens to be aligned around the top-center of the screen, so the first button is centred above it.

Anchors and co-ordinates

The expressions here and in the addButton() method may seem odd because the cards and piles all have Anchor.topLeft but the buttons have Anchor.center. The position co-ordinates of a Card are where its top-left corner goes, but the position co-ordinates of a FlatButton are where its center goes and the various parts of a FlatButton are arranged (internally) around its center. These examples can give us some insight into how co-ordinate systems work in Flame.

The deal() method

The last thing the KlondikeWorld’s onLoad() method does is call the deal() method to shuffle and deal the cards. This method is now in the KlondikeWorld class and so are the checkWin() and letsCelebrate() methods, but more about those later. The deal process is the same as before but now includes some animation:

  void deal() {
    assert(cards.length == 52, 'There are ${cards.length} cards: should be 52');

    if (game.action != Action.sameDeal) {
      // New deal: change the Random Number Generator's seed.
      game.seed = Random().nextInt(KlondikeGame.maxInt);
      if (game.action == Action.changeDraw) {
        game.klondikeDraw = (game.klondikeDraw == 3) ? 1 : 3;
    // For the "Same deal" option, re-use the previous seed, else use a new one.

    var cardToDeal = cards.length - 1;
    var nMovingCards = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
      for (var j = i; j < 7; j++) {
        final card = cards[cardToDeal--];
          start: nMovingCards * 0.15,
          onComplete: () {
            if (nMovingCards == 0) {
              var delayFactor = 0;
              for (final tableauPile in tableauPiles) {
                tableauPile.flipTopCard(start: delayFactor * 0.15);
    for (var n = 0; n <= cardToDeal; n++) {

First we implement the Action value for this game. In the very first game, the KlondikeGame class sets defaults of Action.newDeal and klondikeDraw = 1, but after that the player can select an action by pressing and releasing a button and KlondikeWorld saves it in KlondikeGame — or the player wins the game, in which case Action.newDeal is selected and saved automatically. The action usually generates and saves a new seed, but that is skipped if we have Action.sameDeal. Then we shuffle the cards, using whatever seed applies.

The deal logic is the same as we used in Klondike Tutorial Step 4 and the animation is fairly easy. We just use card.doMove( for each card, with a changing destination and an increasing start: value, counting each moving card as it departs. For a few milliseconds after the loops terminate nMovingCards will be at a maximum of 28 (i.e. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7) and the remaining 24 cards will go into a properly constructed Stock Pile.

Then cards will be arriving over the next second or so and a problem arises. The cards do not necessarily arrive in the order they are sent from the Stock Pile area. If we start turning over the last cards in the columns too soon, we might turn over the wrong card and mess up the deal. The following printout of the deal shows how arrivals can get out of order. The j variable is the Tableau Pile number and i is the card’s position in the pile. The King of Hearts for Pile 6 is arriving before the Queen of Clubs that is the last card in Pile 5. And there are two more cards to go in Pile 6.

flutter: Move done, i 3, j 6, 6 5 moving cards.
flutter: Move done, i 4, j 5, 9 4 moving cards.
flutter: Move done, i 4, j 6, K 3 moving cards.
flutter: Move done, i 5, j 5, Q 2 moving cards.
flutter: Move done, i 5, j 6, 2 1 moving cards.
flutter: Move done, i 6, j 6, 10 0 moving cards.
flutter: Pile 0 [Q]
flutter: Pile 1 [J, Q]
flutter: Pile 2 [5, 5, J]
flutter: Pile 3 [A, Q, A, 5]
flutter: Pile 4 [8, 10, 7, 3, 4]
flutter: Pile 5 [4, 8, 5, 2, 9, Q]
flutter: Pile 6 [4, 3, K, 6, K, 2, 10]

So we count off the cards in the onComplete() callback code as they arrive. Only when all 28 cards have arrived do we start turning over the last card of each Tableau Pile. When the deal has been completed our KlondikeWorld is also complete and ready for play.

More animations of moves

The Card class’s doMove() and turnFaceUp() methods have been combined into a doMoveAndFlip() method, which is used to draw cards from the Stock Pile. The dropping of a card or cards onto a pile after drag-and-drop also uses doMove() to settle the drop more gracefully. Finally, there is a shortcut to auto-move a card onto its Foundation Pile if it is ready to go out. This adds TapCallbacks to the Card class and an onTapUp() callback as follows:

  onTapUp(TapUpEvent event) {
    if (isFaceUp) {
      final suitIndex = suit.value;
      if (game.foundations[suitIndex].canAcceptCard(this)) {
          onComplete: () {
    } else if (pile is StockPile) {

If a card is ready to go out, just tap on it and it will move automatically to the correct Foundation Pile for its suit. This saves a load of dragging-and-dropping when you are close to winning the game! There is nothing new in the above code, except that if you tap the top card of the Stock Pile, the Card object receives the tap first and forwards it on to the stock object.

A graphics glitch

If you moved multiple cards from one Tableau Pile to another, the internal code of the TableauPile class would formerly (in Tutorial Step 4) move the cards into place abruptly, as soon as the drag-and-drop ended. In the new code (Step 5), drags and drops use essentially the same code as before, so it is tempting to get that code to do a multi-card move as a series of animated moves each completing with an acquireCard call. But this caused some ugly graphics glitches. It appears they were due to acquireCard also calling the layoutCards() method of TableauPile and instantly re-arranging all the cards in the pile, every time a card was acquired. The problem has been solved (with some difficulty as it turned out), by adding a dropCards method to TableauPile, which mimics some of the existing actions while dovetailing some card animations in as well.

The lesson to be learned is that it is worth giving some attention to animation and time-dependent concerns at Game Design time. When was that? Back in Klondike Tutorial Step 1 Preparation and Step 2 Scaffolding.

Winning the game

You win the game when all cards in all suits, Ace to King, have been moved to the Foundation Piles, 13 cards in each pile. The game now has code to recognize that event — an isFull test added to the FoundationPile’s acquireCard() method, a callback to KlondikeWorld and a test as to whether all four Foundations are full. Here is the code:

class FoundationPile extends PositionComponent implements Pile {
  FoundationPile(int intSuit, this.checkWin, {super.position})
      : suit = Suit.fromInt(intSuit),
        super(size: KlondikeGame.cardSize);

  final VoidCallback checkWin;

  final Suit suit;
  final List<Card> _cards = [];

  //#region Pile API

  bool get isFull => _cards.length == 13;
  void acquireCard(Card card) {
    card.position = position;
    card.priority = _cards.length;
    card.pile = this;
    if (isFull) {
      checkWin(); // Get KlondikeWorld to check all FoundationPiles.
  void checkWin()
    var nComplete = 0;
    for (final f in foundations) {
      if (f.isFull) {
    if (nComplete == foundations.length) {

It is often possible to calculate whether you can win from a given position of the cards in a Klondike game, or could have won but missed a vital move. It is frequently possible to calculate whether the initial deal is winnable: a percentage of Klondike deals are not. But all that is far beyond the scope of this Tutorial, so for now it is up to the player to work out whether to keep playing and try to win — or give up and press one of the buttons.

Ending a game and re-starting it

A game ends either after the player wins or they press and release one of the buttons. At that point the KlondikeGame class must hold all the data needed to start a new game, namely an Action value, a klondikeDraw value (1 or 3) and a seed from the previous game. Each button has an onReleased: callback provided by the addButton() method in KlondikeWorld, with code as follows:

      onReleased: () {
        if (action == Action.haveFun) {
          // Shortcut to the "win" sequence, for Tutorial purposes only.
        } else {
          // Restart with a new deal or the same deal as before.
          game.action = action;
          game.world = KlondikeWorld();

The letsCelebrate() method is normally invoked only when the player wins. The functions of the other three buttons are to set the Action value in KlondikeGame and to set world in FlameGame to refer to a new KlondikeWorld, thus replacing the current one and leaving the former KlondikeWorld’s storage to be disposed of by Garbage Collect. FlameGame will continue on to trigger KlondikeWorld’s onLoad() method.

The letsCelebrate() method ends with similar code, but forces a new deal:

              game.action = Action.newDeal;
              game.world = KlondikeWorld();

The Have fun button

When you win the Klondike Game, the letsCelebrate() method puts on a little display. To save you having to play and win a whole game before you see it — and to test the method, we have provided the Have fun button. Of course a real game could not have such a button…

Well, this is it! The game is now more playable.

We could do more, but this game is a Tutorial above all else. Press the buttons below to see what the final code looks like, or to play it live.

But it is also time to have a look at the Ember Tutorial!