
On this page you can find documentation for some utility classes and methods.

Device Class

This class can be accessed from Flame.device and it has some methods that can be used to control the state of the device, for instance you can change the screen orientation and set whether the application should be fullscreen or not.


When called, this disables all SystemUiOverlay making the app full screen. When called in the main method, it makes your app full screen (no top nor bottom bars).

Note: It has no effect when called on the web.


This method sets the orientation of the whole application (effectively, also the game) to landscape and depending on operating system and device setting, should allow both left and right landscape orientations. To set the app orientation to landscape on a specific direction, use either Flame.device.setLandscapeLeftOnly or Flame.device.setLandscapeRightOnly.

Note: It has no effect when called on the web.


This method sets the orientation of the whole application (effectively, also the game) to portrait and depending on operating system and device setting, it should allow for both up and down portrait orientations. To set the app orientation to portrait for a specific direction, use either Flame.device.setPortraitUpOnly or Flame.device.setPortraitDownOnly.

Note: It has no effect when called on the web.

Flame.device.setOrientation() and Flame.device.setOrientations()

If a finer control of the allowed orientations is required (without having to deal with SystemChrome directly), setOrientation (accepts a single DeviceOrientation as a parameter) and setOrientations (accepts a List<DeviceOrientation> for possible orientations) can be used.

Note: It has no effect when called on the web.


Flame provides a simple utility class to help you handle countdowns and timer state changes like events.

Countdown example:

import 'package:flame/components.dart';
import 'package:flame/game.dart';
import 'package:flame/input.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyGame extends Game {
  final TextPaint textPaint = TextPaint(
    style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20),

  final countdown = Timer(2);

  void update(double dt) {
    if (countdown.finished) {
      // Prefer the timer callback, but this is better in some cases

  void render(Canvas canvas) {
      "Countdown: ${countdown.current.toString()}",
      Vector2(10, 100),

Interval example:

import 'package:flame/components.dart';
import 'package:flame/game.dart';
import 'package:flame/input.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyGame extends Game {
  final TextPaint textPaint = TextPaint(
    style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20),
  Timer interval;

  int elapsedSecs = 0;

  MyGame() {
    interval = Timer(
      onTick: () => elapsedSecs += 1,
      repeat: true,

  void update(double dt) {

  void render(Canvas canvas) {
    textPaint.render(canvas, "Elapsed time: $elapsedSecs", Vector2(10, 150));

Timer instances can also be used inside a FlameGame game by using the TimerComponent class.

TimerComponent example:

import 'package:flame/timer.dart';
import 'package:flame/components.dart';
import 'package:flame/game.dart';

class MyFlameGame extends FlameGame {
  MyFlameGame() {
        period: 10,
        repeat: true,
        onTick: () => print('10 seconds elapsed'),

Time Scale

In many games it is often desirable to create slow-motion or fast-forward effects based on some in game events. A very common approach to achieve these results is to manipulate the in game time or tick rate.

To make this manipulation easier, Flame provides a HasTimeScale mixin. This mixin can be attached to any Flame Component and exposes a simple get/set API for timeScale. The default value of timeScale is 1, implying in-game time of the component is running at the same speed as real life time. Setting it to 2 will make the component tick twice as fast and setting it to 0.5 will make it tick at half the speed as compared to real life time.

Since FlameGame is a Component too, this mixin can be attached to the FlameGame as well. Doing so will allow controlling time scale for all the component of the game from a single place.

import 'package:flame/components.dart';
import 'package:flame/game.dart';

class MyFlameGame extends FlameGame with HasTimeScale {
  void speedUp(){
    timeScale = 2.0;

  void slowDown(){
    timeScale = 1.0;


Flame bundles a collection of utility extensions, these extensions are meant to help the developer with shortcuts and conversion methods, here you can find the summary of those extensions.

They can all be imported from package:flame/extensions.dart



  • scaleVector: Just like canvas scale method, but takes a Vector2 as an argument.

  • translateVector: Just like canvas translate method, but takes a Vector2 as an argument.

  • renderPoint: renders a single point on the canvas (mostly for debugging purposes).

  • renderAt and renderRotated: if you are directly rendering to the Canvas, you can use these functions to easily manipulate coordinates to render things on the correct places. They change the Canvas transformation matrix but reset afterwards.



  • darken: Darken the shade of the color by an amount between 0 to 1.

  • brighten: Brighten the shade of the color by an amount between 0 to 1.


  • ColorExtension.fromRGBHexString: Parses an RGB color from a valid hex string (e.g. #1C1C1C).

  • ColorExtension.fromARGBHexString: Parses an ARGB color from a valid hex string (e.g. #FF1C1C1C).



  • pixelsInUint8: Retrieves the pixel data as a Uint8List, in the ImageByteFormat.rawRgba pixel format, for the image.

  • getBoundingRect: Get the bounding rectangle of the Image as a Rect.

  • size: The size of an Image as Vector2.

  • darken: Darken each pixel of the Image by an amount between 0 to 1.

  • brighten: Brighten each pixel of the Image by an amount between 0 to 1.



  • toVector2; Creates an Vector2 from the Offset.

  • toSize: Creates a Size from the Offset.

  • toPoint: Creates a Point from the Offset.

  • toRect: Creates a Rect starting in (0,0) and its bottom right corner is the [Offset].



  • toOffset: Creates an Offset from the Rect.

  • toVector2: Creates a Vector2 starting in (0,0) and goes to the size of the Rect.

  • containsPoint Whether this Rect contains a Vector2 point or not.

  • intersectsSegment; Whether the segment formed by two Vector2s intersects this Rect.

  • intersectsLineSegment: Whether the LineSegment intersects the Rect.

  • toVertices: Turns the four corners of the Rect into a list of Vector2.

  • toFlameRectangle: Converts this Rect into a Flame Rectangle.

  • toMathRectangle: Converts this Rect into a math.Rectangle.

  • toGeometryRectangle: Converts this Rect into a Rectangle from flame-geom.

  • transform: Transforms the Rect using a Matrix4.


  • RectExtension.getBounds: Construct a Rect that represents the bounds of a list of Vector2s.

  • RectExtension.fromCenter: Construct a Rect from a center point (using Vector2).



  • toRect: Converts this math Rectangle into an ui Rect.



  • toVector2; Creates an Vector2 from the Size.

  • toOffset: Creates a Offset from the Size.

  • toPoint: Creates a Point from the Size.

  • toRect: Creates a Rect starting in (0,0) with the size of Size.


This class comes from the vector_math package and we have some useful extension methods on top of what is offered by that package.


  • toOffset: Creates a Offset from the Vector2.

  • toPoint: Creates a Point from the Vector2.

  • toRect: Creates a Rect starting in (0,0) with the size of Vector2.

  • toPositionedRect: Creates a Rect starting from [x, y] in the Vector2 and has the size of the Vector2 argument.

  • lerp: Linearly interpolates the Vector2 towards another Vector2.

  • rotate: Rotates the Vector2 with an angle specified in radians, it rotates around the optionally defined Vector2, otherwise around the center.

  • scaleTo: Changes the length of the Vector2 to the length provided, without changing direction.

  • moveToTarget: Smoothly moves a Vector2 in the target direction by a given distance.


  • Vector2Extension.fromInts: Create a Vector2 with ints as input.


  • &: Combines two Vector2s to form a Rect, the origin should be on the left and the size on the right.

  • %: Modulo/Remainder of x and y separately of two Vector2s.


This class comes from the vector_math package. We have created a few extension methods on top of what is already offered by vector_math.


  • translate2: Translate the Matrix4 by the given Vector2.

  • transform2: Create a new Vector2 by transforming the given Vector2 using the Matrix4.

  • transformed2: Transform the input Vector2 into the output Vector2.


  • m11: The first row and first column.

  • m12: The first row and second column.

  • m13: The first row and third column.

  • m14: The first row and fourth column.

  • m21: The second row and first column.

  • m22: The second row and second column.

  • m23: The second row and third column.

  • m24: The second row and fourth column.

  • m31: The third row and first column.

  • m32: The third row and second column.

  • m33: The third row and third column.

  • m34: The third row and fourth column.

  • m41: The fourth row and first column.

  • m42: The fourth row and second column.

  • m43: The fourth row and third column.

  • m44: The fourth row and fourth column.


  • Matrix4Extension.scale: Create a scaled Matrix4. Either by passing a Vector4 or Vector2 as it’s first argument, or by passing x y z doubles.