Adding bullets

For this next step we will add a very important feature to any space shooter game, shooting!

Here is how we will implement it: since we already control our space ship by dragging on the screen with the mouse/fingers, we will make the ship auto shoot when the player stars the dragging and stops shooting when the gesture/input has ended.

So let’s start, to begin let’s first create a Bullet component that will represent the shots in the game.

class Bullet extends SpriteAnimationComponent
    with HasGameReference<SpaceShooterGame> {
  }) : super(size: Vector2(25, 50));

  Future<void> onLoad() async {
    await super.onLoad();

    animation = await game.loadSpriteAnimation(
        amount: 4,
        stepTime: .2,
        textureSize: Vector2(8, 16),

    width = 25;
    height = 50;
    anchor =;

So far, this does not introduce any new concepts, we just created a component and set up its animations attributes.

The Bullet behavior is a simple one, it always moves towards the top of the screen and should be removed from the game if it is not visible anymore, so let’s add an update method to it and make it happen:

class Bullet extends SpriteAnimationComponent
    with HasGameReference<SpaceShooterGame> {
  }) : super(size: Vector2(25, 50));

  Future<void> onLoad() async {
    // Omitted

  void update(double dt) {

    position.y += dt * -500;

    if (position.y < -height) {

The above code should be straight forward, but lets break it down:

  • We add to the bullet’s y axis position at a rate of -500 pixels per second. Remember going up in the y axis means getting closer to 0 since the top left corner of the screen is 0, 0.

  • If the y is smaller than the negative value of the bullet’s height, means that the component is completely off the screen and it can be removed.

Right, we now have a Bullet class ready, so lets start to implement the action of shooting. First thing, let’s create two empty methods in the Player class, startShooting and stopShooting.

class Player extends SpriteAnimationComponent
    with HasGameReference<SpaceShooterGame> {

  // Rest of implementation omitted

  void startShooting() {
    // TODO

  void stopShooting() {
    // TODO

And let’s hook into those methods from the game class, we will do that by using the onPanStart and onPanEnd methods from the PanDetector mixin that we already have been using for the ship movement:

class SpaceShooterGame extends FlameGame with PanDetector {
  late Player player;

  // Rest of implementation omitted

  void onPanUpdate(DragUpdateInfo info) {

  void onPanStart(DragStartInfo info) {

  void onPanEnd(DragEndInfo info) {

We now have everything set up, so let’s write the shooting routine in our player class.

Remember, the shooting behavior will be adding bullets through time intervals when the player is dragging the starship.

We could very likely implement the time interval code manually, but Flame provides a component out of the box for that, the TimerComponent, so let’s take advantage of it:

class Player extends SpriteAnimationComponent
    with HasGameReference<SpaceShooterGame> {
  late final TimerComponent _bulletSpawner;

  Future<void> onLoad() async {
    // Loading animation omitted

    _bulletSpawner = TimerComponent(
      period: .2,
      onTick: () {
        final bullet = Bullet(
          position: position +
                -height / 2,
      repeat: true,
      autoStart: false,


  void move(Vector2 delta) {

  void startShooting() {

  void stopShooting() {

Hopefully the code above speaks for itself, but let’s look at it in more detail:

  • First we declared a TimerComponent called _bulletSpawner in our game class, we needed it to be an variable accessible to the whole component since we will be accessing it in the startShooting and stopShooting methods.

  • We initialize our _bulletSpawner in the onLoad method. In the first argument, period, we set how much time in seconds it will take between calls, and we choose .2 seconds for now.

  • The onTick attribute receives a function that will be called every time the period is reached.

  • We say that it should loop forever by setting repeat to true.

  • Then we set that it should not auto start by default.

  • Finally we add the _bulletSpawner to our component, so it can be processed in the game loop.

With the _bulletSpawner all setup, the only missing piece now is to start the _bulletSpawner.timer at startShooting and stop it in the stopShooting!

And that closes this step, putting us real close to a real game!