
We (the Flame organization) maintain a ported version of the Box2D physics engine and our version is called Forge2D.

If you want to use Forge2D specifically for Flame you should use our bridge library flame_forge2d and if you just want to use it in a Dart project you can use the forge2d library directly.

To use it in your game you just need to add flame_forge2d to your pubspec.yaml, as can be seen in the Forge2D example and in the installation instructions.


If you are going to use Forge2D in your project it can be a good idea to use the Forge2D specific FlameGame class, Forge2DGame.

It is called Forge2DGame and it will control the adding and removal of Forge2D’s BodyComponents as well as your normal components.

In Forge2DGame the Camera has a zoom level set to 10 by default, so your components will be a lot bigger than in a normal Flame game. This is due to the speed limitation in the Forge2D world, which you would hit very quickly if you are using it with zoom = 1.0. You can easily change the zoom level eiter by calling super(zoom: yourZoom) in your constructor, or do = yourZoom; at a later stage.

If you are previously familiar with Box2D it can be good to know that the whole concept of the Box2d world is mapped to world in the Forge2DGame component and every Body that you want to use as a component should be a wrapped in a BodyComponent, and added to your Forge2DGame.

You can have for example a HUD and other non-physics-related components in your Forge2DGame’s component list along with your physical entities. When the update is called, it will use the Forge2D physics engine to properly update every BodyComponent and other components in the game will be updated according to the normal FlameGame way.

In Forge2DGame the gravity is flipped compared to Forge2D to keep the same coordinate system as in Flame, so a positive y-axis in the gravity like Vector2(0, 10) would be pulling bodies downwards, meanwhile a negative y-axis would pull them upwards. The gravity can be set directly in the constructor of the Forge2DGame.

A simple Forge2DGame implementation examples can be seen in the examples folder.


The BodyComponent is a wrapped for the Forge2D body, which is the body that the physics engine is interacting with. To create a BodyComponent you need to override createBody() and create and return your created body.

The BodyComponent is by default having renderBody = true, since otherwise it wouldn’t show anything after you have created a Body and added the BodyComponent to the game. If you want to turn it off you can just set (or override) renderBody to false.

Just like any other Flame component you can add children to the BodyComponent, which can be very useful if you want to add for example animations or other components on top of your body.

The body that you create in createBody should be defined according to Flame’s coordinate system, not according to the coordinate system of Forge2D (where the Y-axis is flipped).

Contact callbacks

Forge2DGame provides a simple out of the box solution to propagate contact events.

Contact events occur whenever two Fixtures meet each other. These events allows listening when these Fixtures begin to come in contact (beginContact) and cease being in contact (endContact).

There are multiple ways to listen to these events. One common way is to use the ContactCallbacks class as a mixin in the BodyComponent where you are interested in these events.

class Ball extends BodyComponent with ContactCallbacks {
  void beginContact(Object other, Contact contact) {
    if (other is Wall) {
      // Do something here.

In order for the above to work, the Ball’s body.userData or contacting fixture.userData must be set to a ContactCallback. And if Wall is a BodyComponent its body.userData or contacting fixture.userData must be set to Wall.

If userData is null the contact events are ignored, it is null by default.

A convenient way of setting userData is to assign it when creating the body. For example:

class Ball extends BodyComponent with ContactCallbacks {

  Body createBody() {
    final bodyDef = BodyDef(
      userData = this,


Every time Ball and Wall begin to come in contact beginContact will be called, and once the fixtures cease being in contact, endContact will be called.

An implementation example can be seen in the Flame Forge2D example.


Just like with normal PositionComponents you can make the Forge2DCamera follow BodyComponents by calling camera.followBodyComponent(...) which works the same as camera.followComponent. When you want to stop following a BodyComponent you should call camera.unfollowBodyComponent.