
flame_tiled is the bridge package that connects the flame game engine to Tiled maps by parsing TMX (XML) files and accessing the tiles, objects, and everything in there.

To use this,

  1. Create your own map by using Tiled.

  2. Create a TiledComponent and add it to the component tree as follows:

final component = await TiledComponent.load(




Tiled has a feature that allows you to flip a tile horizontally or vertically, or even rotate it.

flame_tiled supports this but if you are using a large texture and have flipped tiles there will be a drop in performance. If you want to ignore any flips in your tilemap you can set the ignoreFlip to false in the constructor.

Note: A large texture in this context means one with multiple tilesets (or a huge tileset) where the sum of their dimensions are in the thousands.

final component = await TiledComponent.load(
  ignoreFlip: true,