Yarn Project

A YarnProject is the central hub for all yarn scripts and the accompanying information. Generally, there would be a single YarnProject in a game, though it is also possible to make several yarn projects if their content is completely independent.

The standard sequence of initializing a YarnProject is the following:

  • link user-defined functions;

  • link user-defined commands;

  • set the locale (if different from en);

  • parse a .yarn script containing declarations of global variables and characters;

  • parse all other .yarn scripts;

  • restore the variables from a save-game storage.

For example:

final yarn = YarnProject()
  ..functions.addFunction0('money', player.getMoney)
  ..commands.addCommand1('achievement', player.earnAchievement)


locale String

The language used in this YarnProject (the default is 'en'). Selecting a different language changes the builtin plural() function.

random Random

The random number generator. This can be replaced with a different generator, if, for example, you need to control the seed.

nodes Map<String, Node>

All Nodes loaded into the project, keyed by their titles.

variables VariableStorage

The container for all global variables used in this yarn project. There could be several reasons to access this storage:

  • to change the value of a yarn variable from the game. This enables you to pass the information from the game into the dialogue. For example, your dialogue may have variable $gold, which you may want to update whenever the player’s amount of money changes within the game.

  • to store the values of all yarn variables during the save game, and to restore them when loading the game.

functions FunctionStorage

The container for all user-defined functions linked into the project. The main reason to access this property is to register new custom function to be available at runtime.

Note that all custom functions must be added to the YarnProject before they can be used in a dialogue script – otherwise a compile error will occur when encountering an unknown function.

commands CommandStorage

The container for all user-defined commands linked into the project. The main reason to access this container is to register new custom commands.

All custom commands must be added before they can be used in the dialogue script.

characters CharacterStorage

The container for all Character objects declared in your yarn scripts.

strictCharacterNames bool

If true (default), the validity of character names will be strictly enforced. That is, all characters must be declared before they can be used, using the <<character>> commands. If this property is set to false, then new Character objects will be created automatically as they are encountered in scripts.

trueValues, falseValues Set<String>

The strings that can be recognized as true/false values respectively.


parse(String text)

Parses and compiles the text of a yarn script. After this command, the nodes contained within the script will be runnable.

This method can be executed multiple times, and each time the new nodes will be added to the existing ones.