

FlameBlocProvider is a Component which creates and provides a bloc to its children.
The bloc will only live while this component is alive.It is used as a dependency injection (DI) widget so that a single instance of a bloc can be provided to multiple Components within a subtree.

FlameBlocProvider should be used to create new blocs which will be made available to the rest of the subtree.

FlameBlocProvider<BlocA, BlocAState>(
  create: () => BlocA(),
  children: [...]

FlameBlocProvider can be used to provide an existing bloc to a new portion of the Component tree.

FlameBlocProvider<BlocA, BlocAState>.value(
  value: blocA,
  children: [...],


Similar to FlameBlocProvider, but provides multiples blocs down to the component tree

  providers: [
    FlameBlocProvider<BlocA, BlocAState>(
      create: () => BlocA(),
    FlameBlocProvider<BlocB, BlocBState>.value(
      create: () => BlocB(),
  children: [...],


FlameBlocListener is Component which can listen to changes in a Bloc state. It invokes the onNewState in response to state changes in the bloc. For fine-grained control over when the onNewState function is called an optional listenWhen can be provided. listenWhen takes the previous bloc state and current bloc state and returns a boolean. If listenWhen returns true, onNewState will be called with state. If listenWhen returns false, onNewState will not be called with state.

alternatively you can use FlameBlocListenable mixin to listen state changes on Component.

FlameBlocListener<GameStatsBloc, GameStatsState>(
  listenWhen: (previousState, newState) {
      // return true/false to determine whether or not
      // to call listener with state
  onNewState: (state) {
          // do stuff here based on state


FlameBlocListenable is an alternative to FlameBlocListener to listen state changes.

class ComponentA extends Component
    with FlameBlocListenable<BlocA, BlocAState> {

  bool listenWhen(PlayerState previousState, PlayerState newState) {
    // return true/false to determine whether or not
    // to call listener with state

  void onNewState(PlayerState state) {
    // do stuff here based on state


FlameBlocReader is mixin that allows you to read the current state of bloc on Component. It is Useful for components that needs to only read a bloc current state or to trigger an event on it. You can have only one reader on Component

class InventoryReader extends Component
    with FlameBlocReader<InventoryCubit, InventoryState> {}

    /// inside game
    final component = InventoryReader();
    // reading current state
    var state = component.bloc