
The RouterComponent’s job is to manage navigation across multiple screens within the game. It is similar in spirit to Flutter’s Navigator class, except that it works with Flame components instead of Flutter widgets.

A typical game will usually consists of multiple pages: the splash screen, the starting menu page, the settings page, credits, the main game page, several pop-ups, etc. The router will organize all these destinations and allow you to transition between them.

Internally, the RouterComponent contains a stack of routes. When you request it to show a route, it will be placed on top of all other pages in the stack. Later you can popPage() to remove the topmost page from the stack. The pages of the router are addressed by their unique names.

Each page in the router can be either transparent or opaque. If a page is opaque, then the pages below it in the stack are not rendered, and do not receive pointer events (such as taps or drags). On the contrary, if a page is transparent, then the page below it will be rendered and receive events normally. Such transparent pages are useful for implementing modal dialogs, inventory or dialogue UIs, etc.

Usage example:

class MyGame extends FlameGame {
  late final RouterComponent router;

  Future<void> onLoad() async {
      router = RouterComponent(
        routes: {
          'home': Route(,
          'level-selector': Route(,
          'settings': Route(, transparent: true),
          'pause': PauseRoute(),
          'confirm-dialog': OverlayRoute.existing(),
        initialRoute: 'home',

class PauseRoute extends Route { ... }


The Route component holds information about the content of a particular page. Routes are mounted as children to the RouterComponent.

The main property of a Route is its builder – the function that creates the component with the content of its page.

In addition, the routes can be either transparent or opaque (default). An opaque prevents the route below it from rendering or receiving pointer events, a transparent route doesn’t. As a rule of thumb, declare the route opaque if it is full-screen, and transparent if it is supposed to cover only a part of the screen.

By default, routes maintain the state of the page component after being popped from the stack and the builder function is only called the first time a route is activated. Setting maintainState to false drops the page component after the route is popped from the route stack and the builder function is called each time the route is activated.


The OverlayRoute is a special route that allows adding game overlays via the router. These routes are transparent by default.

There are two constructors for the OverlayRoute. The first constructor requires a builder function that describes how the overlay’s widget is to be built. The second constructor can be used when the builder function was already specified within the GameWidget:

final router = RouterComponent(
  routes: {
    'ok-dialog': OverlayRoute(
      (context, game) {
        return Center(
          child: DecoratedContainer(...),
    ),  // OverlayRoute
    'confirm-dialog': OverlayRoute.existing(),

Overlays that were defined within the GameWidget don’t even need to be declared within the routes map beforehand: the RouterComponent.pushOverlay() method can do it for you. Once an overlay route was registered, it can be activated either via the regular .pushNamed() method, or via the .pushOverlay() – the two method will do exactly the same, though you can use the second one to make it more clear in your code that an overlay is being added instead of a regular route.


A ValueRoute is a route that will return a value when it is eventually popped from the stack. Such routes can be used, for example, for dialog boxes that ask for some feedback from the user.

In order to use ValueRoutes, two steps are required:

  1. Create a route derived from the ValueRoute<T> class, where T is the type of the value that your route will return. Inside that class override the build() method to construct the component that will be displayed. The component should use the completeWith(value) method to pop the route and return the specified value.

    class YesNoDialog extends ValueRoute<bool> {
      YesNoDialog(this.text) : super(value: false);
      final String text;
      Component build() {
        return PositionComponent(
          children: [
            TextComponent(text: text),
              text: 'Yes',
              action: () => completeWith(true),
              text: 'No',
              action: () => completeWith(false),
  2. Display the route using Router.pushAndWait(), which returns a future that resolves with the value returned from the route.

    Future<void> foo() async {
      final result = await game.router.pushAndWait(YesNoDialog('Are you sure?'));
      if (result) {
        // ... the user is sure
      } else {
        // ... the user was not so sure