Game Widget

class GameWidget<T extends Game>
extends StatefulWidget

The GameWidget is a Flutter widget which is used to insert a Game instance into the Flutter widget tree.

The GameWidget is sufficiently feature-rich to run as the root of your Flutter application. Thus, the simplest way to use GameWidget is like this:

void main() {
    GameWidget(game: MyGame()),

At the same time, GameWidget is a regular Flutter widget, and can be inserted arbitrarily deep into the widget tree, including the possibility of having multiple GameWidgets within a single app.

The layout behavior of this widget is that it will expand to fill all available space. Thus, when used as a root widget it will make the app full-screen. Inside any other layout widget it will take as much space as possible.

In addition to hosting a Game instance, the GameWidget also provides some structural support, with the following features:

It should be noted that GameWidget does not clip the content of its canvas, which means the game can potentially draw outside of its boundaries (not always, depending on which camera is used). If this is not desired, then consider wrapping the widget in Flutter’s ClipRect.


GameWidget({required, this.textDirection, this.loadingBuilder, this.errorBuilder, this.backgroundBuilder, this.overlayBuilderMap, this.initialActiveOverlays, this.focusNode, this.autofocus = true, this.mouseCursor, this.addRepaintBoundary = true, super.key})

Renders the provided game instance.

GameWidget.controlled({required this.gameFactory, this.textDirection, this.loadingBuilder, this.errorBuilder, this.backgroundBuilder, this.overlayBuilderMap, this.initialActiveOverlays, this.focusNode, this.autofocus = true, this.mouseCursor, this.addRepaintBoundary = true, super.key})

A GameWidget which will create and own a Game instance, using the provided gameFactory.

This constructor can be useful when you want to put GameWidget into another widget, but would like to avoid the need to store the game’s instance yourself. For example:

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      padding: EdgeInsets.all(20),
      child: GameWidget.controlled(


game : T?

The game instance which this widget will render, if it was provided with the default constructor. Otherwise, if the GameWidget.controlled constructor was used, this will always be null.

gameFactory : GameFactory<T>?

A function that creates a Game that this widget will render.

textDirection : TextDirection?

The text direction to be used in text elements in a game.

loadingBuilder : GameLoadingWidgetBuilder?

Builder to provide a widget which will be displayed while the game is loading. By default this is an empty Container.

errorBuilder : GameErrorWidgetBuilder?

If set, errors during the game loading will be caught and this widget will be shown. If not provided, errors are propagated normally.

backgroundBuilder : WidgetBuilder?

Builder to provide a widget tree to be built between the game elements and the background color provided via Game.backgroundColor.

overlayBuilderMap : Map<String, OverlayWidgetBuilder<T>>?

A collection of widgets that can be displayed over the game’s surface. These widgets can be turned on-and-off dynamically from within the game via the Game.overlays property.

void main() {
      game: MyGame(),
      overlayBuilderMap: {
        'PauseMenu': (context, game) {
          return Container(
            color: const Color(0xFF000000),
            child: Text('A pause menu'),
initialActiveOverlays : List<String>?

The list of overlays that will be shown when the game starts (but after it was loaded).

focusNode : FocusNode?

The FocusNode to control the games focus to receive event inputs. If omitted, defaults to an internally controlled focus node.

autofocus : bool

Whether the focusNode requests focus once the game is mounted. Defaults to true.

mouseCursor : MouseCursor?

The shape of the mouse cursor when it is hovering over the game canvas. This property can be changed dynamically via Game.mouseCursor.

addRepaintBoundary : bool

Whether the game should assume the behavior of a RepaintBoundary, defaults to true.