Flame fire atlas

Flame fire atlas is a texture atlas lib for Flame. By using flame_fire_atlas one can access images and animations stored in a .fa texture atlas by referring to them by their named keys.


FireAtlas is a tool for handling texture atlases. Atlases can be created using the Fire Atlas Editor.

Creating Atlas

To create a texture atlas open Fire Atlas Editor.

Select new atlas and give the atlas a name, tile width, tile height and an image and press okay. This will take you to the atlas editor.

To create a new Sprite in the atlas, select a portion and click the plus button on top left and give the selection a name and then select type Sprite and press Create Sprite. You can now see a preview in the right panel of editor.

To create a new SpriteAnimation in the atlas, select a portion and click the plus button on top left and give the selection a name and then select type Animation and provide frame count and steps times (in milliseconds) and select the checkbox to loop the animation, and then press Create Animation. You can now see a preview of the animation in the right panel of the editor.

Once you are done with editing you can download the fire atlas file from top left with the download icon button.

Texture atlas

A Texture atlas is an image that contains data from several smaller images that have been packed together to reduce overall dimensions. With it, you reduce the number of images loaded and can speed up the loading time of the game.


To use the bridge library in your game you just need to add flame_fire_atlas to your pubspec.yaml, as can be seen in the Flame Fire Atlas example and in the pub.dev installation instructions.

Then you have the following methods at your disposal:

import 'package:flame_fire_atlas/flame_fire_atlas.dart';

// Load the atlas from your assets
// file at assets/atlas.fa
final atlas = await FireAtlas.loadAsset('atlas.fa');

//or when inside a game instance, the loadFireAtlas can be used:
// file at assets/atlas.fa
final atlas = await loadFireAtlas('atlas.fa');

// Get a Sprite with the given key.

// Get a SpriteAnimation with the given key.

To use FireAtlas in your game, load the fire atlas file in an onLoad method, either in your game or a component. Then you can use getSprite and getAnimation to retrieve the mapped assets.

class ExampleGame extends FlameGame {

  late FireAtlas _atlas;

  Future<void> onLoad() async {
    _atlas = await loadFireAtlas('atlas.fa');

        size: Vector2(50, 50),
        position: Vector2(0, 50),
        sprite: _atlas.getSprite('sprite_name'),

        size: Vector2(150, 100),
        position: Vector2(150, 100),
        animation: _atlas.getAnimation('animation_name'),


Full Example

You can check an example here.