
The FunctionStorage is a part of [YarnProject] responsible for storing all user-defined functions. You can access it as the YarnProject.functions property.

The function storage can be used to register any number of custom functions, making them available to use in yarn scripts. Such functions must be registered before parsing the yarn scripts, or the compiler will throw an error that the function name is not recognized.

A Dart function can be registered as a user-defined function in Jenny, if it satisfies the following requirements:

  • its return type is one of int, double, num, bool, or String;

  • all its arguments are positional, i.e. there are no named arguments;

  • all its arguments have types int, int?, double, double?, num, num?, bool, bool?, String, or String?;

  • the nullable arguments, if any, must come after the non-nullable ones. These arguments become optional in Yarn scripts, and if not provided they will be passed as null values;

  • the first argument in a function can also be YarnProject. If such argument is present, then it will be passed automatically. For example, if you have a function fn(YarnProject, int), then it can be invoked from the yarn script simply as fn(1).

A Dart function can then be added using one of the methods addFunction0, …, addFunction4, depending on how many arguments the function has (this is a limitation of Dart’s template language). When registering a function, you give it a name, under this function will be known in Yarn scripts. This name can be the same, or different from the real function’s name. For example, you may have a function hasVisitedTheWizard() in your game, but you’d register it under the name has_visited_the_wizard() in your YarnProject.

Keep in mind that the name of the user-defined function must be:

  • unique;

  • a valid ID;

  • cannot be the same as any built-in function.


hasFunction(String name) → bool

Returns the status of whether the function name has been already registered.

addFunction0(String name, T0 Function() fn)

Registers a no-argument function fn as the user-defined function name.

addFunction1(String name, T0 Function(T1) fn1)

Registers a single-argument function fn1 under the name name.

addFunction2(String name, T0 Function(T1, T2) fn2)

Registers a two-argument function fn2 with the given name.

addFunction3(String name, T0 Function(T1, T2, T3) fn3)

Registers a three-argument function fn3 with the name name.

addFunction4(String name, T0 Function(T1, T2, T3, T4) fn4)

Registers a four-argument function fn4 as name.



The number of user-defined functions registered so far.


Returns true if no user-defined functions were registered.


Has any functions been registered at all?