
The <<visit>> command temporarily puts the current node on hold, executes the target node, and after it finishes, resumes execution of the previous node. This is similar to a function call in many programming languages.

The <<visit>> command can be useful for splitting a large dialogue into several smaller nodes, or for reusing some common dialogue lines in several nodes. For example:

title: RoamingTrader1
<<if $roaming_trader_introduced>>
  Hello again, {$player}!
  <<visit RoamingTraderIntro>>

-> What do you think about the Calamity?  <<if $calamity_started>>
   <<visit RoamingTrader_Calamity>>
-> Have you seen a weird-looking girl running by? <<if $quest_little_girl>>
   <<visit RoamingTrader_LittleGirl>>
-> What do you have for trade?

Pleasure doing business with you! #auto

The argument of this command is the id of the node to jump to. It can be given either as a plain node ID, or as an expression in curly braces:

<<visit {"RewardChoice_" + string($choice)}>>

If the expression evaluates at runtime to an unknown name, then a NameError exception will be thrown.