
The DialogueView class is the main mechanism of integrating Jenny with any existing framework, such as a game engine. This class describes how lines and options are presented to the user.

This class is abstract, which means you must create a concrete implementation in order to use the dialogue system. The concrete DialogueView objects will then be passed to a DialogueRunner, which will orchestrate the dialogue’s progression.


dialogueRunner: DialogueRunner?

The owner of this DialogueView. This property is non-null when the dialogue view is actively used by a DialogueRunner.

This property can be used in order to access the parent YarnProject, or to send signals into the sibling DialogueViews.


These methods that the DialogueView can implement in order to respond to the corresponding events. Each method is optional, with a default implementation that does nothing. This means that you can only implement those methods that you care about.

Most of the methods return FutureOr<void>, which means that the implementations can be either synchronous or asynchronous. In the latter case, the dialogue runner will wait for the future to resolve before proceeding (however, the futures from several dialogue views are awaited simultaneously).


Called at the start of a new dialogue.

This is a good place to prepare the game’s UI, such as fade in or animate dialogue panels, or load resources.


Called when the dialogue is about to finish.

onNodeStart(Node node)

Called when the dialogue runner starts executing the Node. This will be called right after the onDialogueStart event, and then each time the dialogue jumps to another node.

This method is a good place to perform node-specific initialization, for example by querying the node’s properties or metadata.

onNodeFinish(Node node)

Called when the dialogue runner finishes executing the Node, before onDialogueFinish. This will also be called every time a node is exited via <<stop>> or a <<jump>> command (including jumps from node to itself).

This callback can be used to clean up any preparations that were performed in onNodeStart.

onLineStart(DialogueLine line) -> bool

Called when the next dialogue line should be presented to the user.

The DialogueView may decide to present the line in whatever way it wants, or to not present the line at all. For example, the dialogue view may: augment the line object, render the line at a certain place on the screen, render only the character’s name, show the portrait of whoever is speaking, show the text within a chat bubble, play a voice-over audio file, store the text into the player’s conversation log, move the camera to show the speaker, etc.

Some of these methods of delivery can be considered “primary”, while others are “auxiliary”. A “primary” dialogue view should return true, while all others false (especially if the dialogue view ignores the line completely). This is used as a robustness check: if none of the dialogue views return true, then a DialogueError will be thrown because it would mean the line was not shown to the user in a meaningful way.

It is common for non-trivial dialogue views to return a future. After all, if this method were to return immediately, the dialogue runner would advance to the next line without any delay, and the player wouldn’t have time to read the line. A common scenario then is to reveal the line gradually, and then wait some time before returning; or, alternatively, return a Completer-based future that completes based on some user action such as clicking a button or pressing a keyboard key.

Note that this method is supposed to only show the line to the player, it should not try to hide it at the end – for that, there is a dedicated method onLineFinish.

onLineSignal(DialogueLine line, dynamic signal)

Called when the dialogue runner sends the signal to all dialogue views.

The signal will be sent to all views, regardless of whether they have finished running their onLineStart or not. The interpretation of the signal and the appropriate response is up to the dialogue view.

For example, one possible scenario would be to speed up a typewriter effect and reveal the text immediately in response to a “RUSH” signal. Or pause presentation in response to a “PAUSE” signal. Or give a warning if the player makes a hostile gesture such as drawing a weapon.

onLineStop(DialogueLine line)

Invoked via the DialogueRunner’s stopLine() method. This is a request to finish presenting the line as quickly as possible (though it doesn’t have to be immediate).

Examples when calling this method could be appropriate: the player was hit while talking to an NPC; or the user has pressed the “next” button in the dialogue UI.

This method is invoked on all dialogue views, regardless of whether they finished their onLineStart call or not. If they haven’t, the futures from onLineStart will be discarded and will no longer be awaited. In addition, the onLineFinish will not be called either – the line will be considered finished when the future from onLineStop completes.

onLineFinish(DialogueLine line)

Called when the line has finished presenting in all dialogue views.

Some dialogue views may need to clear their display when this event happens, or make some other preparations to receive the next dialogue line.

onChoiceStart(DialogueChoice choice) → FutureOr<int?>

Called when the dialogue enters a choice: the player needs to select among several presented options.

This callback is invoked on all dialogue views, however, normally only one of them should be making a selection. A view that performs the actual selection should return a future that resolves with the index of the chosen option; all other views should return null.

An error will be thrown if:

  • None of the views return a valid selection (i.e. all return null);

  • The returned index is invalid for the choice list;

  • The selected option is marked as disabled.

onChoiceFinish(DialogueOption option)

Called when the choice has been made, and an option has been selected.

The option will be the one returned from the onChoiceStart method by one of the dialogue views.

onCommand(UserDefinedCommand command)

Called when executing a user-defined command.

This method is invoked immediately after the command itself is executed, but before the result of the execution was awaited. Thus, if the command’s effect is asynchronous, then it will be send to dialogue views and executed “at the same time”.

In cases when the command’s effect occurs within the game itself, implementing this method may not be necessary. However, if you want to have a command that affects the dialogue views themselves, then this method provides a way of doing that.