
The <<if>> command evaluates its condition, and based on that decides which statements to execute next. This is equivalent to if keyword in most programming languages. This command may have multiple parts, which look as follows:

<<if condition1>>
<<elseif condition2>>
  • The conditions within each command must have boolean type.

  • There could be any number of <<elseif>> blocks.

  • The <<elseif>> blocks and <<else>> are optional.

  • The final <<endif>> is mandatory.

  • The statements within each block must be indented.

At runtime, the condition within the if block is evaluated first. If it turns out to be true, then the dialogue proceeds with executing statements1, and no other conditions are evaluated nor other statement blocks executed. However, if condition1 evaluated to false, then condition2 is calculated. If it is true, then the dialogue runner will execute statements2, and if false it will fall-through into the else block and execute statementsN. In the end, the dialogue will proceed to statements that occur after the final <<endif>>.


In this dialogue a Guard will greet you differently depending on your reputation with the citizens of the area. If your reputation falls below −100, you’ll be attacked on sight.

title: GuardGreeting
<<if $reputation >= 100>>
  Guard: Hail to the savior of the people!
<<elseif $reputation >= 30>>
  Guard: Nice to meet you, sir!
<<elseif $reputation >= 0>>
  Guard: Hello
<<elseif $reputation > -30>>
  Guard: I'm keeping an eye on you...
<<elseif $reputation > -100>>
  Guard: You filthy scum!
  Guard: You'll pay for your crimes! #auto