
The <<declare>> command creates a new global variable and assigns an initial value to it. After this command is encountered, the declared variable will be available for use anywhere a variable might be needed, including in inline expressions, other commands, and even other declare statements.

Unlike most other commands, the <<declare>> command is executed at compile time, i.e. when the yarn scripts are parsed. When the dialogue runs, it has no effect, since by that time the variable is already initialized and ready for use. For this reason, the <<declare>> commands must be placed outside of nodes, at the root level of the script, making it clear that these commands do not execute when a node runs.

For example:

<<declare $monicker = "boy">>

title: Greeting
Teacher: Welcome to the class, {$monicker}!

Here the <<declare>> command introduces a new variable called $monicker, of type String, and assigns it an initial value of "boy". Later on, this variable is used inside the “Greeting” node. By that time, the value of the variable can be anything: it could be changed in some other node, or by the game itself. The <<declare>> statement, however, is necessary to tell Jenny that this is a valid variable name, and what type it has.

From the project organization standpoint, the recommended approach is to put all the <<declare>> statements into a separate file, and then make sure that this yarn file is parsed first. This will ensure that all global variables are declared before they are used in subsequent nodes.

If your game supports save-games, then you would probably want to store the values of yarn global variables too. In this case restoring the saved values should be done after all yarn scripts are parsed (otherwise the engine will think that a variable is declared twice).


There are several forms of the <<declare>> statement. The most common one is the following:


Here $VARIABLE is the name of the variable being declared (all variables in Yarn start with a $ sign), and EXPRESSION is either a literal or a more complicated expression that will be evaluated at compile time in order to provide the initial value for the variable. The type of the variable will be deduced from the type of the EXPRESSION.

Another possible syntax for the <<declare>> command is this:

<<declare $VARIABLE as TYPE>>

where TYPE is one of Bool, Number, or String. This will create a variable of the given type, and initialize it with values false, 0, or "" respectively.

Finally, it is possible to combine these two syntaxes:


This can be useful when the type of the EXPRESSION is not immediately obvious, and you want to make the declaration more explicit. The compiler will check that the type of the EXPRESSION is the same as TYPE, and will throw a compile-time error otherwise.


<<declare $prefix = "Mr.">>
<<declare $gold = 100>>
<<declare $been_to_hell = false>>

<<declare $name as String>>
<<declare $distanceTravelled as Number>>

<<declare $birthDay = randomRange(1, 365) as Number>>
<<declare $vulgarity = GetObscenitySetting() as Bool>>


It is a good idea to accompany each <<declare>> with a doc-comment explaining the purpose of the variable, similarly to how you would document public members of a class.