
The <<local>> command creates a new variable within the current node, and initializes it to some starting value. Thus, it is similar to <<declare>>, except that the variable it creates is visible within a single node only.

The syntax of the <<local>> command can be one of the following:


This would create a variable with the name $VARIABLE (all variables in YarnSpinner start with a $ sign), and assign it the value of EXPRESSION. In the second form, it will ensure that the type of the expression is equal to TYPE, otherwise a compile-time error will be thrown. Thus, the second form serves as the explicit annotation for the type of the variable created.

The following restrictions apply:

  • each local variable can be declared only once within a node;

  • the name of a local variable cannot coincide with the name of any global variable.


In this example the variable $roll will only be needed temporarily within this one node, so it wouldn’t make sense to declare it as global.

title: a_dice_roll
<<local $roll = dice(6)>>
<<if $roll == 1>>
  You've rolled 1, rotten luck...
<<elseif $roll == 2>>
  You've rolled 2, which is still below the average. Try harder!
<<elseif $roll == 3>>
  You've rolled 3.14159265 (well, almost).
<<elseif $roll == 4>>
  Your roll is an unlucky number. Please roll again
  You've rolled 10 (when rounded to the nearest ten). Good job!