
A MarkupAttribute is a descriptor of a subrange of text in a line, demarcated with markup tags. For example, in a .yarn line below there are two ranges of text surrounded by markup tags, and therefore there will be two MarkupAttributes associated with this line:

[b]Jenny[/b] is a library based on \
    [link url=""]YarnSpinner[/link] for Unity.

These MarkupAttributes can be found in the .attributes property of a DialogueLine.


name String

The name of the markup tag. In the example above, the name of the first attribute is "b", and the second is "link".

start, end int

The location of the marked-up span within the final text of the line. The first index is inclusive, while the second is exclusive. The start may be equal to end for a zero-width markup attribute.

length int

The length of marked-up text. This is always equal to end - start.

parameters Map<String, dynamic>

The set of parameters associated with this markup attribute. In the example above, the first markup attribute has no parameters, so this map will be empty. The second markup attribute has a single parameter, so this map will be equal to {"url": ""}.

The type of each parameter will be either String, num, or bool, depending on the type of expression give in the .yarn script. The expressions for parameter values can be dynamic, that is they can be evaluated at runtime. In the example below, the parameter color will be equal to the value of the variable $color, which may change each time the line is run.

My [i]favorite[/i] color is [bb color=$color]{$color}[/bb].