
class DialogueLine
extends DialogueEntry

The DialogueLine class represents a single line of text within the dialogue Line.

The DialogueLine objects will be delivered to your DialogueView with methods onLineStart(), onLineSignal(), onLineStop(), and onLineFinish().

A dialogue line may contain a character (the name of the entity who is speaking), and tags – a list of hashtag tokens that specify some meta information about the line.

Example of a dialogue line in yarn script:

Hermione: Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter.  #surprised

Here the character is “Hermione”, the text of the line is “Holy cricket! You’re Harry Potter.”, and the tags list will contain a single entry “#surprised”.

A dialogue line may also contain inline expressions, which will be re-evaluated every time the line is executed by the dialogue runner:

Jenny: My favorite color is {$favoriteColor}, what about you?

After evaluation, the resulting string may be “My favorite color is vantablack, what about you?”.

Lastly, a dialogue line may have markup attributes. These are similar to HTML tags, only they use square brackets:

Jenny: My [i]favorite[/i] color is [bb color=$color]{$color}[/bb].

These markup attributes will not be visible in the output (i.e. the resulting text is still “My favorite color is vantablack”), but they can be queried in the attributes list, which will specify that there is an attribute [i] around the word “favorite”, and another attribute [bb] with parameter color around the word “vantablack”.

Inline expressions cannot contain markup attributes.


DialogueLine({required LineContent content, Character? character, List<String>? tags})



The content of this Line.


The character who is speaking the line. This can be null if the line does not contain a speaker.


The computed text of the line, after substituting all inline expressions, stripping the markup, and processing the escape sequences.

This value can only be accessed after the line was evaluated. It may change upon subsequent re-evaluations of the line (which occur each time the line goes through a DialogueRunner).


The list of hashtags associated with the line. If there are no hashtags, the list will be empty.

Each value in the list will start with the # symbol.


The list of markup spans associated with the line.


True if the line will never change upon subsequent reruns. That is, when the line does not depend on any dynamic expressions.



Computes the text of the line, substituting the current values of all inline expressions.

Normally, you wouldn’t need to call this method manually – the DialogueRunner will take care to do that for you. However, it may be necessary to call this if you need to access DialogueLines outside of a dialogue runner.